A couple moons ago, there was a giveaway hosted by Friedbeef for a free Proporta Maya II Pouch for Apple iPhone 3Gs. I entered out of sheer fun.
And whaddaya know… lady luck smiled upon me and I’ve won!
Representative from Proporta (a UK based company) was all friendly and nice and within 2 weeks or so, I received my black Maya II pouch.
Isn’t it lovely?
Simplistic design at the outside with striking interior, I’m pretty surprised at how soft the texture of the leather-like material they used. It wraps my iPhone (without back casing) snugly without having to worry about the possibility of slipping out of the pouch.
At the price of £14.95 per piece, I think it is probably one of the best pouches I’ve ever seen in the marketing. Oh yes… if you need to know, it is covered with lifetime warranty!